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Monday, June 12, 2006

SEO Copywriting Services

SEO Copywriting, or to give it its full name, search engine optimization copywriting or search engine copywriting, is the technique of writing the viewable text on a web page in such a way that it reads well for the surfer, and also targets specific search terms. Its purpose is to rank highly in the search engines for the targeted search terms.

As well as the viewable text, SEO Copywriting usually optimizes other on-page elements for the targeted search terms. These include the Title, Description and Keywords tags, headings and alt text.

The idea behind SEO Copywriting is that search engines want genuine content pages and not additional pages (often called "doorway pages") that are created for the sole purpose of achieving high rankings. Therefore, the engines cannot possibly view SEO copywritten pages as undesirable, and the rankings they achieve tend to be as stable as those that are achieved by other search engine optimization techniques.

SEO Copywriting, also known as Writing for Search Engines, is a new kind of writing! There is another very similar discipline which is popularly called Writing for the Web. But, SEO copywriting has search engines as the primary target, instead of the actual reader.

It is safe to say that any action you take to enhance your search engine ranking at the detriment of the user is unethical SEO. So, if you write in a way that enhances your appeal to search engines, but makes your content less valuable but this is possible to have both! Good SEo Copywriting and voluble marketing content.

So, what is SEO copywriting again? Well, to begin with, learn that writing for the web is different from writing in print. On the web, you must use short content, bullet points, getting to the main theme right away... Additionally, SEO copywriting brings in the need to target keywords. Depending upon the content generation plans, you could target one or more keywords per page. Things are getting so competitive, that I prefer to target one keyword per page. But, there are many SEOs who are unable to justify the high cost of content generation and will prefer to optimize a page for more than one keyword.

Writing copy optimized for search engines can be tricky so let us do it. You want a website with enough of the right keywords to attract the search engines. But you don't want copy with so many keywords that it then sounds silly to the people who read it. Effective search engine copywriting is a delicate balance between satisfying your website's human visitors and the search engine spiders.A


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